School of Comedy

Last night I posted about some of the new shows coming up on E4. One of them starts tomorrow night, comedy sketch show School of Comedy.

In many ways, it’s not unlike any other typical sketch show, but there’s one major difference – the cast is made up of teenagers, mostly around the age of 13 or 14. Continue reading


Last week I was lucky enough to be invited along to E4’s Autumn season launch at an undisclosed top secret London location (the pub). I was slightly baffled as to why they wanted me to come, but excited by the idea of getting a sneaky peek at upcoming shows and rubbing shoulders with people from tellyland.

Now, you might imagine that being in a room full of journalists and PR folk might be a little daunting to an outsider like myself, but fortunately there was a free bar. That helped, a lot, as did the fact that Steve and Nikki from E4 were really nice and welcoming and I met a whole load of friendly, great people, including the awesome Catherine & Gen (we did indeed party hard!) and contrary to the general stereotype of the press, lots of newspaper and magazine journos who were absolutely lovely.

Anyway, you really don’t want to know about all that, you want to know about shows themselves. Read on… Continue reading