So, what is this?

Oh, hello there. You’ve stumbled across my blog, thanks for reading, I hope it isn’t entirely terrible.

As you may have gathered, the blog is about television. A mix of news, reviews and previews. Occasionally, the nice people at TV companies even let me pretend to be a real writer, wear a press pass and go and watch things in advance. But not often.

You’ll notice that the posts mostly cover comedy and what might I guess you might call “cult” drama, but really there’s no particular focus. I just blog about programmes I’ve watched or news I’ve heard whenever I manage to find a few minutes here and there to write about it.

It’s not very professional, and probably not very good, but I hope you enjoy it anyway and would like to sincerely thank you for reading and especially for making it this far through all this waffle.

If you want to say hello or just observe me blathering on about all sorts of stuff, I’m on Twitter: @blakeconnolly

Umm.. I’m never good at endings. Okay, bye.
